Optimize Your Website For Improved Performance

Let's Discuss Opportunities

In today’s customer-centric business environment, everything revolves around the user’s experience with your business. This holds true, especially for all those who have set up their stores online or even corporate websites for that matter. The web pages and cms websites are getting bigger and more complex with each passing day. And if a website does not load quickly, it affects the visitors’ experience with your website. This may lead to decrease in sales conversions which will ultimately affect your revenue. To ensure your landing page to be high-converting, it's crucial to focus on optimizing load times and overall user experience.

Why is your website functioning slow?

There may be many reasons behind the slow functioning of your websites such as data influx or low server memory. These definitely hinder the performance of any website. Also, too much traffic on your website may also result in slow load time. The damage all this causes to your business results in the form of disrupted visitor’s experience with your website. This means that your website’s speed can make all the difference with great user experience or poor user experience and revenue generation or no revenue generation.

What can you do to fix it?

To make sure you don’t lose out on your customers and the revenue, you must invest your time and money in web optimization. And you should regularly monitor the performance of your website as a part of your daily web design workflow. You must regularly keep a check on how much does it take for the home page of your website, how much time does it take to load the checkout process and what is the conversion rate. So how do you do it? We are listing four simple ways in which you can optimize your website for improved performance:

  • Run a web page analyzer to analyze what actually gets loaded and what takes the most time to load and accordingly clean out any CSS, HTML or JavaScript code that may be causing trouble to your website performance.
  • If your website has a large amount of content to display, take the matter to a good content delivery network (CDN) that will help you out. A good CDN will help improve the global availability of your content and also reduce the bandwidth.
  • Another way to improve the performance of your website is to switch to a faster server Apache, Nginx, DigitalOcean or get a dedicated server altogether.
  • The simplest way to get your website to load faster is by compressing the images and text before uploading them on your website. Works all the time!
Topics : Technology

Reetam Das

Written by Reetam Das

Reetam heads the digital marketing team at Classic Informatics, a global web development company. He is passionate about technology, software products and marketing. He has spent nearly a decade helping businesses across globe deliver uncanny customer & user experiences, market faster and growth-hack effectively. He is an avid reader and a writer and shares insights based on experience that readers can actually put to use.

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